Mersey Drive Community Primary School, Whitefield, Greater Manchester, M45 8LN

0161 766 6298


Remote Education: information for parents


This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils, and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education, our blended learning offer and our digital platforms.

  • All children will have a personalised learning offer which takes into account  their next steps of learning
  • Personalised offers will take into account individual children's learning styles and learning needs - not all aspects will be used by all children

The establishment of blended learning will allow seamless learning should children be required to self-isolate or schools face further closures.

Phase 1

Continuous development of skills for online learning. Platforms and technologies will be used for weekly homework and in class learning boosts.

Phase 2

Seamless transition from in-school to home learning.  Systems in place to support individuals self-isolating.


Phase 3

Full remote learning offer enabled classes following closures of classes or whole school closure



We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:

▹Online teaching (pre-recorded sessions) by class teachers

▹Externally recorded teaching (e.g. Oak National Academy lessons or    BBC bitesize)

▹Commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific  subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences

▹Long-term project work and/or internet research activities (as per the school’s full opening guidance, schools are expected to avoid an over-reliance on these approaches)

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

▹SEN children will receive an offer online which is equitable to the offer they receive in school

▹Children with SEN will be supported to access learning through the high quality teaching strategies, including scaffolding of tasks, additional recorded support, differentiation and chunking of tasks into smaller steps

▹Children with an EHCP or with Support+ funding will be provided all of the provision outlined in their plan

▹For the first day a child is  isolating, they will be asked to access their online learning using Doodle English and Maths.

▹From the second day of isolation, children will access their online learning using Seesaw.

▹Work will be in line with the learning happening in class and will be tailored to the needs of the child.

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, some adaptations may be required in some subjects.

▹Blended learning to be continued at home (identified platforms for year group) with targets set by class teacher


▹Read Theory

▹TT Rockstars (Yrs 4 – 6)

▹Spelling Shed (EYFS)

▹Class Teacher to upload daily Power Maths pages (as photos via Seesaw)

▹Daily English activities linked to embedding key spelling & grammar skills uploaded to Seesaw

▹Wider curriculum learning outcomes added as covered in class (as home based research projects) shared through Seesaw

▹There are minimum expectations for remote provision.

▹For Primary aged children this is 3 hours each school day for Key Stage 1 and 4 hours each day for Key Stage 2.

▹All children have access to our online learning platforms, and logins have been sent home

▹Children are able to access Doodle, TTRockstars and ReadTheory weekly and activities are set on Seesaw

▹Children's individual learning needs are identified and personalised activities, curriculum and support provided where needed. This includes the delivery of online intervention programmes

▹If you have any technical difficulties your class teachers is available, through the class email, to support

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:

▹Laptops available for key individuals which will be supplied by school (if you feel you would need a school supplied device please contact the school office)]

▹School has a supply of data SIM cards which can be allocated to families to support access to online learning

▹In the event of a full school closure some places will be available for Critical Workers and other children meeting government set criteria

▹Teachers will share weekly timetable with pupils, where possible work should be completed and submitted during the school day*

▹Pupils will engage with their learning daily

▹Work will be submitted daily

▹Parents/Carers will support their child’s learning by enabling access to teaching materials and establishing routines to complete work

▹Home school contact should be maintained to best support your child

▹Develop a daily routine which may mirror the usual timing of the school day (class timetables are on our website)

▹Choose from the different materials offered to find the best way of working for individual circumstances

▹Get in touch with school for support to organise learning at home, as class teachers will be able to help or make suggestions about ways to undertake learning tasks

▹Focus on small inputs with your child and provide time for them to have a go independently

▹Remember that home learning is not like school and spending time one to one compared to being in a class of 30 means that your child will benefit from personal support

▹Let school know if you have any difficulty with accessing digital materials, if you have difficulty accessing the Internet or do not have a device to use at home

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children.

▹Staff will respond and give feedback on work submitted

▹Staff will monitor learning platforms and respond to engagement

▹Staff will notify parents where engagement is high and successful

▹Where engagement is low, or causing concern, staff will contact parents/carers

▹Daily learning added to Seesaw using recorded videos and voice notes to support access:




▹Phonics (EYFS & KS1)

▹Spelling (KS2)

▹Wider curriculum coverage, including:






▹Physical activity/PE

▹Wellbeing activities (PSHE)

▹Daily Zen Zone sessions

You can access our full parental guide to remote learning HERE 

Use the links below to visit our class pages for further information about our remote learning offer.
