Mersey Drive Community Primary School, Whitefield, Greater Manchester, M45 8LN

0161 766 6298


Breakfast & After School Clubs

At Mersey Drive, we offer a before and after school club service.

Both before and after school club is lead by experienced teaching staff, where your child is supervised whilst enjoying a variety of activities. We also offer healthy snacks and drinks at both clubs - we have cereals, toasts, and fruits as well as crumpets, juice and other snacks. We offer one-off bookings as well as regular slots.

Breakfast clubs begins at 7.45am (with final drops accepted at 8.30am)

After school club begins at when school finishes and lasts until 5.30pm.



Breakfast club - £3.50 per day

After school club - £5.00 until 4.30pm, £7.50 until 5.30pm per day


For more information, or if you would like to book a place at either club, please contact the school office:

0161 766 6298